Step 9: The Best 5 Tips for Living Amends

Step 9: The Best 5 Tips for Living Amends

For example, if you were driving under the influence, crashed your car, and injured your friend, your friend may have severed all ties with you and refuse to meet and relive the trauma. Instead, you can volunteer your time to educate teens on the dangers of driving under the influence of drugs or alcohol. We go back to a moment in time and we fixate on the things we wish we had done differently. It makes it hard to remember things that happened before or after. We blame ourselves for certain things that happened – sometimes rightfully, and sometimes not.

  • Step 9 is about meeting with those people to actively redress the wrongs.
  • There are some important things you must know and do to successfully make 9th step amends.
  • And so that is the last thing I read at night or the first thing every morning.
  • It’s hard to find the right response to someone making amends.
  • One of the most common reasons people want to make living amends is to correct past wrongs.

Direct Amends in Recovery

We’ve filled you in on things that can exacerbate guilt, like hindsight bias and survivors’ guilt. We’ve given you journaling exercises around coping with regret. We may be in recovery, but our family members may not be able to trust that it’s permanent or sincere.

Making Living Amends in 12 Step Recovery

living amends

Making an amend means taking accountability and action to repair any damages done. Through these restorative actions, you demonstrate your commitment to change. Recovery support groups and individual therapy can help you if you are struggling to make amends or accept the responses of others. A sponsor or therapist can help you talk through your choices, determine the best course of action for making amends, and consider how your actions may affect others as you seek to make amends. Again, in recovery, your words may not mean as much to some people as you wish they would. Understandably, some people may just need more time to learn how to trust you again.

living amends

What Does Step 9 (Making Amends) Have To Do With Sobriety?

  • They may find resolution and understanding about the past.
  • But amends are so much more than just making a list and saying you are sorry, and this is where it becomes important to understand the difference between making an amends and making an apology.
  • Another instance where making direct amends may not be a good idea is if admitting your wrongs could jeopardize your freedom, which could hurt your loved ones.
  • Making amends does not necessarily depend on your ability to connect with a person or how they respond to you.

I think there are some things that aren’t done yet that we still want to get done and are coming soon. I also think there are some safety protections in place at our All In Mile High sites that we should have been more stringent about when we first moved people in. The two lives we lost at the DoubleTree hotel are certainly two that I’ll never forget — and that is a decision I wish we had back.

living amends

When Should You Approach a Person to Make Amends?

living amends

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